Describe the parameter/s you incorporated in your design and its targeted quality improved by it/them. - 应用什么参数来控制设计的什么(质量)?
Adjusting the size, shape, and location of green space to increase the variety of space and accessibility. 我们通过改变绿地的大小、形态与位置的随机变量,改善场地空间的多样性,并提高公共空间的可达性。`
Context: Problem Analysis
This site is an urban village and has three problems. First, the building density is too high; second, there is little public space; third, there is a lack of green space.
We compared the primal texture of the original village to that of the brick wall. To implement green space in the existing condition of the site, we propose to regenerate the wall with a system of vegetation that allows plants to grow in the gap of the wall without breaking it. 我们将原有的村落机理比作一面砖墙,而绿地系统的构建,就是在不破坏墙体本身的情况下,在墙体的缝隙中植入绿化,给予整个墙体新生。
Dameisha Village is one of the urban villages in Yantian District, Shenzhen. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side, making it an important sightseeing spot in a Yantian tourist area.
Site Intervention
We plan to plan three main residential areas while keeping the original village fabric intact and to increase green space within the residential areas using the original street space. The houses in the center of the village were demolished to create a public space and a commercial pedestrian zone.
We design green space for each residential area individually. Incorporating the stochastic system and recursive system as the overall framework, we build a reasonable green space system by controlling the green space rate, green space form, and service radius. 我们对每一个居住区进行单独的绿地设计。以随机比例分形系统为整体框架,通过控制绿地率、绿地形态,服务半径,构建合理的绿地系统。
Parameters The parameters we control are green rate, green space size, green space shape, and green space number. 我们所控制的参数有绿地率,绿地大小、绿地形态以及绿地的数量。
System Patterns and Variations As the following parameters change, the location, shape, and the number of green areas change.
Parameters: the shuffling seed, the ratio of the green space, and the number of the green space 当随机震荡值、绿地长宽比、绿地数量发生改变时,绿地的位置、形态、数量也会随之发生改变。
Rendering: Masterplan The whole village has three main entrances to the central square, where visitors can enter the commercial tourism zone. And in each residential area, while maintaining the original housing mechanism, medium-sized squares and small broken and interesting strips of green space are added to create a comfortable environment for the residents, which as a result gives them more space for communication. 整个村落有三个主要入口通往中心广场,这是给游人的商业观光带。而每一个居住区中在原有房屋机理不变情况下,增加中型广场以及破碎有趣的条形小绿地,给居民创造良好环境的同时,也给他们带来更多的公共交流空间。