Describe the parameter/s you incorporated in your design and its targeted quality improved by it/them. - 应用什么参数来控制设计的什么(质量)?
Three variables are used to control the shape, number, and size: the number of circles, the number of sides, and the radius. Among them, controlling the maximum and minimum values of the radius allows me to get the size of the unit to accomodate the given number of people. 用三个变量:边数,数量和半径值,来控制形状、数量和大小。其中,控制半径的最大值和最小值,可以让我根据不同的人数规模来获得单元的大小。
Concept and Context 概念来自于对当地人行为的观察。有三点:当地人休息和流的需求、用灯光对树作为装饰以及对遮避物或阴影的需求。 The concept comes from the observation of local people's behavior. There are three points: the need for a good rest and circulation, the use of light on the trees as decoration, and the need for shelter or shade.
Site Intervention 当从更宏观的角度观察这片地区时,观景步道将若干亭子串连起来,从而将整个地区连接成一个整体。而那些亭子,就如同树下射出的光辐射开去,为其周围的人提供休息空间。
When the area is viewed from a more macroscopic perspective, the infrastracture connects several pavilions, thus linking the whole area into a whole. The pavilions, like the light radiating from under the trees, provide a resting space for those around them.
System, Patterns, and Variations
A system of branched fractals is used. Three variables are used to control the radius, the number and the shape of the cell (number of sides).
1\SIZE the size of the pvillions will be determined by the population. 2\SENSOR the sensor embeded in the pavillions will give people an interaction with the space, which will regenerate the local area around them. 3\STAGE the function of the pavilions could very day and night. In the night, it could be a stage lighted up in colors.
大小将由人群的规模塑造; 感应灯将与人形成互动,从而激活地区; 夜晚和白天,亭子将有本质的区别。晚间,这里可以成为一种舞台,提供给居民和旅客一个有活力的空间。