Pan Zihao 潘梓浩, Zhang Yangshuhe 张杨姝禾, Liu Sijia 刘思佳, Shu Yutong 舒雨桐, Zhou Yuwen 周钰雯
分析最近4年来深圳盐田的旅游人数,发现人数是日益上升。 去海边和去爬山的人占了最大的比例。
We analyze the number of people who travel to Yantian,Shenzhen in this 4 years. The People who Go to the beach and to climb the mountain accounted for the largest proportion.
We found that photography is one of the most often do thing while traveling. Good photos as well as interesting photos can draw attention, indirectly advertises for the city. How to make photography become more interesting? We are going to achieve from three aspects, framing, interactive devices and the observatory.
Site Intervention
The prototype of Photography element is a triangle, inspiration comes from the city flower of shenzhen Le cuckoo.
Site Intervention: Masterplan 我们根据人流的分布与景点的位置确定了瞭望台的位置,剩余的地方,用参数化来随机分布功能区域的位置。各功能区所占的比例根据主题来划分。由于这个是摄影主题的公园,我们设置了30%的互动装置空间,30%瞭望平台占地,20%的休息空间和20%的绿化空间。
According to the distribution of stream people and the location of the scenic spots,We determine the location of the observatory.We use parameterization to distribute the function for the rest of areas. The proportion of the functional areas is according to the theme. As a photography theme park, We set up 30% of the interactive installation space, 30% of Observation tower, 20% of the rest space and 20% of green space.
Rendering: Observation Tower 整个园区体量最大的瞭望台位于场地的头部。站在塔顶能有更广阔的拍摄视野,能观赏到整个大梅沙景区的风景。
The largest observatory of the entire park is located at the head of the site.Standing on the tower traveler can have a broader field of vision, you can see the entire scenic of Dameisha beach.
Rendering: Observation Tower 一个可以游玩的缓坡,站在坡顶能观赏到更广阔的大海。
You can see a wider sea while standing on the top of a slope observation tower.
Prototype Concept 通过瞭望塔,游览者有更开阔的观赏视野。
Through the Observation tower, traveler can have a broader field of vision.
Prototype: Observation Tower 这个参数控制着点偏移距离来展现高度。
The parameter controlling the point offset distance in z direction is used to present the height.
The parameter controlling the point position on the curve is used to construct an arc to present slope. When the height is determined,it controls the degree of the slope by changing the position of the point。
By changing the parameter controlling height and slope, the sight spot can provide different form to the visitors. When it become high and precipitous, it can be a good place for the ultimate sports insider and also a resting place for pedestrians. Simultaneously it can be slow and snug, specialized for the old.
Rendering: Rest Area 通过参数化来随机变化休息区椅子的高度与大小,增加休息与交流的乐趣。
Through the parameterization, we randomly create various height and size of rest chairs, increasing the fun of rest as well as communication.
Rendering: Rest Area 第一个通过参数化来模拟一些图案,让游览者能通过装置图案与环境互动。第二个通过参数化来随机变化互动装置的高度与大小,一来可以做有趣的休息空间,二来可以作为有趣的合照平台。
The first one, Through the parameterization to simulate some graphic pattern, which can make traveler interact with environment. The second one, Through the parameterization, we randomly create various height and size of interaction device. It can be the rest area, it also can be an interesting place to take group photo.
Rendering: Interaction Area
Prototype: Pavilion 我们为互动区的装置设置了两个参数:高度和开放度。控制点的高度决定了内部空间的大小,不同内部空间决定不同功能。我们通过场来决定装置表面开放度:将开放的表面作为取景框,游客可通过室内不同高度,不同大小的取景框欣赏到户外美景;将开放度低的表面设定为草地斜坡,作为游客休憩、躺卧的区域。 We set two parameters for the pavilion of interacting area:height and opening.The height of the control point controls the space,different funtions are based on different space.We also use field to control the opening of the pavilion.The opening surface is used as a picture frame from which people can enjoy beautiful scenery.The less opening surface is used as a slope covered with grass,people can lay on it to take a rest.
Rendering: Landmark 大梅沙景区海边天际线比较平缓,缺乏一个视觉中心点,于是设计一个汇集酒店、娱乐、办公于一体的地标性建筑。
The skyline of Dameisha beach is quite gentle, lacking of a visual center. So I design a landmark building combined hotel、entertainment and office.