Algorithmic Modeling
清华大学 THU Spring 2023 “Form and Composition (形态构成)” Syllabus
基础训练 Ⅰ 技能 │2 课时
授课时间:周四 8:00-9:35(1个小时35分种; 95 分钟)
授课内容:算法建模 in GH
Day 4 continues with the training of core fundamental skill sets of algorithmic modeling using Grasshopper.
1: Review assignments and students’ learning progress [20 mins]
2: Grasshopper Tutorials 3 [75mins]
Chap3 Essential Components: Basic usage of components per tab and modeling exercises
- 3-3 Math Components ▷ Assignment #6
Assignments Due Day 5 11.27
- Assignment #6
- Precedent Study 1
- GH Self-Study Task
- Learn how to install plugins and try out the method of Baking Objects with Attributes Bake with Materials 材質と色をベイクする
Pick and describe your choice of precedents to express your interest in terms of architectural form and composition. The goal is to learn the relationship between concept/source of inspiration and form-composition. Find projects and see the reason of your interest by extracting its concept or resource of architectural design and see their relationship with the resulting design. If you don’t have any projects to start with, you can either select from the list posted in this URL or prepare your own selection. Develop it as notes in Notion.
■ Assignment #6 Wave Screen
EX7-1 Wave Screen
EX7-2 Wave Screen Variations