Algorithmic Modeling
清华大学 THU Spring 2023 “Form and Composition (形态构成)” Syllabus
基础训练 Ⅰ 技能 │4 课时
授课内容:算法建模 in GH
The Day 3 continues with the training of core fundamental skill sets of algorithmic modeling using Grasshopper.
For the details of the chapters indicated below, please check : List of Grasshopper Tutorials A full list of Grasshopper tutorials can be viewed from there.
1: Review assignments and students learning progress [20 mins]
2: Grasshopper Tutorials 2 [180mins]
Chap3 Essential Components: Basic usage of components per tab and modeling exercises
- 3-1 Param ▷ Assignment #5
- 3-2 SET Components vol.1 - List and GH Data Structure
Assignments Due Day 4 11.23
Complete the following modeling assignments and self-learning tasks.
- Assignment #5
- Self-learning Tasks
Grasshopper 基础电池
Curve 17,18,21,22 Surface 26,28,30,32
If you don’t have enough time, just watch them ALL (8 videos) once without making your own GH definitions.
Check the following page as an example of your assignment submission.[Notion Template and Assignment Submission Convention] Computational Design Studio - Chie Fuyuki
■ Assignment #5
EX2-1 GH version of Absolute Tower - MAD
EX2-2 GH version of Street Furniture (Curve Morphing and Formal Variations 4)
For details, please see the image below.
A link to previous student work for Assignment #5
Submission image example