Algorithmic Modeling
清华大学 THU Spring 2023 “Form and Composition (形态构成)” Syllabus
基础训练 Ⅰ 技能 │2 课时
授课时间:周四 8:00-9:35(1个小时35分种; 95 分钟)
授课内容:Rhinoceros总结, 算法建模 in GH
The Day 2 starts with the review of past assignments and then jump into the phase 1 training of core fundamental skill sets of algorithmic modeling using Grasshopper.
1: Review assignments and students learning progress [45 mins]
Guidance based on the submitted Rhino assignments in terms of level of compliance, final form, visualization and documentation conventions.
2: Grasshopper Tutorials 1 [45mins]
Chap1 Introduction of GH: Summary - History and Characteristics, References
Chap2 Software Overview: UI, Workflow, Anatomy of GH
Chap3 Essential Components: Basic usage of components per tab and modeling exercises
- 3-1 Param
Assignments Due Day 3 11.20
Complete the following tasks. There is no modeling assignments this time.
■ Complete the following list of tutorials ( Grasshopper的封神之路@Bilibili )
1 我的Grasshopper打开方式1-4
2 Grasshopper 基础电池
1-7, 11-16
param, sets (list), math, vector
■ Please complete the revision of your previous assignments (#1-4) as specified in today’s class.
You can check the summary of the revision on the following page and then please re-upload your images after making the revision.
THU23FA Revision of Student Work Day2