The year is 2216, the crisis of global warming reaches a margin where earth is not sustainable to maintain any forms of advanced life. This proposal is a spacecraft to provide sufficient aids for living of both animals and animal keepers.
1. Animal life habits:
I choose to carry bats to universe. Bat is a very unique flying mammal. By research,I summarize three features of this species:(1)Bats sleep the day and hunt at night; (2)When resting, it hangs on the rock of cave’s roof with its body upside down;(3)Ultrasonic locating ability. The design methodologies is dependent on these characteristics to make them to suit the outerspace lives.
- Design logic:
- the spacecraft will be divided into three functional blocks:bat's living space, bat's flight space and human living space. And the living space is surrounded by flying sapce;
- To suit bat’s bioclock, I use Biomimicry strategies on the design, where the shape of the spacecraft is like the moving wings of bats. When the device open, which simulates the night on earth, bats can start hunting for food. It is noticeable that the exterior of the flying space is a membrane structure, also reflecting the body structure of bats. By contrast, during the other half day, the “door” closes and the interior of the wing space(living space) lights on , thus it leads to daylight simulation.
- take advantage of its ultrasonic locating ability: Humans’ space shuttle creates the sonar with the coordinating frequency of bats’ so as to decrease the impact on their flight. Also the membrane structure can also be split off for bats to let them fly in space. Then through Ultrasonic guidance, bats can fly back home. (In 2216,bats have high-tech equipment-flying suits to help them survive in the outerspace, dealing with the pressure difference between inner body and the vacuum and allowing them to breathe freely ).
- 将飞船分为三个功能块——蝙蝠的居住空间、蝙蝠的飞行空间、人类的居住空间,飞行空间环抱着居住空间;
- 解决蝙蝠白天休息晚上活动的策略是飞船的形体模拟蝙蝠翅膀的开合,这样飞船便是一个可开可合的装置,飞船打开的时候利于蝙蝠夜间飞行捕食,飞船关闭的时候翅翼内侧发光用来模拟白天。而翅膀打开后的飞行空间边界用膜材料也是呼应蝙蝠翅膀的特征;
- 利用蝙蝠的超声波辨位特征,人类乘坐的小飞船可以在飞行空间中与蝙蝠的频率一致,而不影响它们的飞行。而膜结构也可以分化出去,蝙蝠在分化出去的膜里在太空中飞行,利用超声波指引它们归巢。(未来蝙蝠穿上了防压力和可呼吸的薄膜衣服,所以可以在宇宙里面翱翔。)